Dreame FAQ Last updated: 08.006.2024 ### If you find issues with this document or have improvements, please contribute here: https://github.com/dgiese/dustbuilder-howto/ ### General questions ### Q: Which devices are currently rootable? A: To my knowledge, all models released and all devices manufactured before mid-May 2024 are rootable. Check the box for the manufacturing date. There are reports of robots which were manufactured after this date that were still rootable. For now, we assume that there are ways to root all currently dustbuilder supported devices. That said, while rooting is mostly easy and save, we recommend to follow the steps exactly and use a dreame breakout board if possible. Check also robotinfo.dev and valetudo.cloud for the currently supported robots. Q: Where can I find information about the hardware (SoC, RAM, Flash) and software (firmware versions)? A: check here: https://robotinfo.dev Q: What is the current recommended rooting method? A: It depends on your model. For older models you can use the UART method. Newer (post 2022) devices need the FELroot method. You can find some information about that here: https://builder.dontvacuum.me/nextgen/ Check https://valetudo.cloud for more simple information and how-tos. Q: If the current rooting methods are blocked, will new rooting methods be released soon? A: I publish rooting methods with a huge delay in order to prevent the manufacturer to block them. Expect the next wave of rooting methods to Defcon 2024. Q: Which models are recommended for rooting? A: Currently (June 2024), I would recommend to go with the L10s Ultra or X40. L10s Pro Heat is also supported.. If you want to save money, you can also go with older models like Z10 Pro or cheaper ones like the D10s Plus/Pro. I personally would stay away from VSLAM-only devices. Check also this page for device specific warnings: https://dontvacuum.me/robotinfo/ Q: Can I use the cloud if I root my robot? A: Yes, if you build your image without the "patch_dns" option, you will be still able to use the MiHome app. However, Valetudo will not work. Some features like video live view will not work, too. Q: Should I root my robot now? A: If you plan to ever root your robot or use with custom software, you should root your robot *now*. And make backups of all relevant configuration files. It is not known yet, how the vendor will lock down the devices. So without rooting, you might get a forced update and get locked out of future root. However, it is totally fine if only you use the robot by pressing its buttons and not connecting it to the cloud. That way you know if its working fine (or if you need to send it back). Q: Should I trick the dustbuilder with a fake serial number when my serial is rejected? Or should I modify the installer? A: NO! People who tried that ended up with bricked devices. I added these checks for a reason... Q: What is the first thing I should do when I have any sort of shell on the device? A: Make backups of all files in /mnt/private/ULI/factory and /mnt/misc! And store them outside of the device!!! The commands for the backup look like this (save all the outputs, some files might not exist on your model): 'grep "" /mnt/private/ULI/factory/*' 'grep "" /mnt/misc/*.json' 'grep "" /mnt/misc/*.yaml' 'cat /mnt/misc/*.txt' 'hexdump /mnt/misc/*.bin' Hint: It is okay, if you get error messages for some of the commands. Files might not exist on your device. Make sure that the outputs are complete and that you store them outside the robot!!! Q: What is the first thing I should do when I have full SSH access on the device? A: Make backups of the most important partitions! 'dd if=/dev/by-name/private | gzip -9 > /tmp/backup_private.dd.gz' 'dd if=/dev/by-name/misc | gzip -9 > /tmp/backup_misc.dd.gz' 'tar -xzvf /tmp/backup_mnt.tar.gz /mnt' Use SCP (e.g. Winscp) to copy these backups from your robot and store them in a safe place Q: Are you offering a 24/7 support? How fast will you provide support for new models or new firmware versions? A: Rooting robots is a hobby for me. It may take days or even weeks to implement new features or models. Typically I wait many weeks before rolling out new firmware version (in order to check for potential problems). As I finance the robots from my personal funds (+ donations), I am limited in the number of different models I can get for testing and rooting. Currently, I own 60 robots and it does not make financially sense to buy the same model every couple months to check for changes :( Q: Is rooting dangerous? Should I root my robot directly after I got it? A: There are various things which might go wrong while rooting. Make sure that you can accept a bricked device and that you dont get trouble from your partner. I *strongly* recommend to let the robot run for a few days before you try to root it. Do not use the MiHome app, as it will trick you in updating the firmware. Use the buttons on the robot itself. That way you get a feeling if the robot has problems or is broken. We had cases where it was not clear if problems came from rooting or already existed on the device from the beginning. Q: Why are all the howtos and information all over the place? Can't you write proper documentation? A: Writing documentation takes a lot of time and is not really fun. I prefer to spend my time on hacking devices. This FAQ should point you to the right ressources. Also, feel free to join the Telegram channel, where you can meet many people that rooted their devices and can help you if you get stuck with the Howto's. Q: Which communication channels exist? A: We mostly use Telegram. If you have a Dreame robot, these channels might be relevant for you: - Dust announce channel (channel for firmware/Valetudo updates and info): https://t.me/dust_announce - Dreame user group (for people that have Dreame robots) https://t.me/+z0QXbiT9P3dmN2Yy - Valetudo user group (for Valetudo users, not only Dreame robots) https://t.me/+NTCnSnuQYTA2ZTgy - Dustcloud group (general Xiaomi hacking stuff, not only robots) https://t.me/+1HTfs4KiMMwzOGEy There are more groups linked in the dust_announce channel ^^^ Warning: You are likely to get ignored if you ask questions that have been discussed in document. ^^^ Make sure that you read the whole document before joining. Read recent discussions or search for your ^^^ Question before asking one. It is very likely that someone asked something similar before. ### Rooting questions ### Q: Can be a rooted device reversed to stock firmware? A: Yes, for most cases. As it might be individually different, you might want to contact me (Dennis) if you plan to do so. Keep in mind, that we remove the firmware encryption keys from custom firmware. That way the manufacturer cannot push a forced update onto your device. But you also cannot install stock firmware. Q: Are there remote root methods public, similar to the Xiaomi vaccum robot (aka roborock v1)? A: No. All root methods require the removal of a plastic cover. However, we do not touch warranty seals. Q: Which root methods are currently public? A: There are "WiFi reset UART root", "U-Boot single user boot" and "FEL flashing". "WiFi reset UART root" is expected to be patched very soon in newer firmware versions. "U-Boot single user boot" only works on 1C, F9, D9 and some MOVA models. The "FEL flashing" should work on most devices, but carries a risk of bricking the device / loosing the calibration data. The current method for rooting all current devices is "FELroot" Q: What is the "WiFi reset UART root"? A: Dreame left a function in the firmware, which enables a login shell. You need to be connected via UART. If the device is fully booted, press the "WiFi reset" button for a short time (<=1 second). This will spawn a login shell, where you can login using the "root" user and the device-specific root password. From there, you can install a "manual installation" custom firmware. A step by step howto can be found here: https://valetudo.cloud/pages/installation/dreame.html#uart As an reference, you can take also a look at this document (covers only root part): https://builder.dontvacuum.me/dreame/cmds-reset.txt This method works only on older devices. All newer devices (after 2022) need a different method. Check also https://valetudo.cloud Q: How is the root password computed? A: You need the serial number *under the dustbin* in all-caps. Compute it under linux by this command: 'echo -n "P2009XXXXXXXXXXXXX" | md5sum | base64'. The expected result is: 'Y2QxNjA4YjdhNWU1Y2RlNGQ3ODkzZjY4Yzk1MTVkOTAgIC0K' For non-Linux user, you might use this formula: 'echo -n "P2009XXXXXXXXXXXXX" | md5' 'echo -n -e "*result from md5 above*" -\n" | base64' You can use also the calculator here: https://builder.dontvacuum.me/dreamepassword.php Q: Are there example howtos for the "WiFi reset UART root"? A: Yes. https://valetudo.cloud/pages/installation/dreame.html#uart As an reference (covers only root part): https://builder.dontvacuum.me/dreame/cmds-reset.txt Keep in mind that they are outdated for most devices. Check https://valetudo.cloud Q: How does the "U-Boot single user boot" work? (only for 1C, F9, D9 and some MOVA models). A: You need to be connected via UART. While powering on + booting, we keep the "s" key pressed. This should interrupt the U-Boot booting process and give us a shell in the bootloader. From here we can manipulate the booting behaviour and get a single user shell. Check this document: https://valetudo.cloud/pages/installation/dreame.html#uart As an reference (covers only root part): https://builder.dontvacuum.me/dreame/cmds.txt Keep in mind that they are outdated for most devices. Check https://valetudo.cloud Q: Which UART adapters can be used? A: Make sure that the adapter is using 3.3V logic level. Check the datasheet of your adapter. Some adapters have jumpers to switch between 5V and 3.3V. You can alternatively use a Raspberry Pi or a ESP8266/ESP32 board. Q: Where do I get firmware updates after rooting? A: Dustbuilder will likely offer firmware updates a few weeks after it became available. Check also this page to see official firmwares: https://dontvacuum.me/robotinfo/ Q: Where do I get a rooting board (aka breakout board)? A: You can find the gerber files here: https://github.com/Hypfer/valetudo-dreameadapter You can also join our telegram group, where we coordinate shipping: https://t.me/+vuPbtb23w0g0NGIy I (Dennis) ship boards inside the US, while hypfer ships them in Germany. We have many people all over the world that have boards too. As I travel a lot, there is a chance that I might end up near you. Check out my social media for updates. Q: Will my robot send any data to the internet after it has been rooted (with Valetudo running) A: Your robot should not send anything to the internet anymore, except some pings to DNS servers and NTP requests. If you see any http/https traffic originating from the device, please contact us, so that we can investigate. We try to remove all telemetry, spying functions and backdoors from the firmware. But there is some chance that we might miss something. ### Valetudo / MQTT questions ### Q: Can I use Valetudo and the MiHome App at the same time? A: No. If you use Valetudo, all the Cloud traffic will be redirected. To enable the redirection, you need to select the "patch_DNS" option in the Dustbuilder. This will effectively disconnect your robot from the Cloud. Q: Does Valetudo support all the features that are provided thru the MiHome app? A: No, some features (like Map editing, Mop zones, Timers) might not be available. Check http://valetudo.cloud for more details. Q: Will Valetudo ever support Multimaps? Does it make sense to annoy its developer Sören (aka Hypfer) about that? A: Its very unlikely, as it involves a lot of architectural changes, which will benefit only a small amount of users. If you want to get banned on the Valetudo telegram channel, you can go ahead and annoy Sören (aka Hypfer). However, I would not recommend that. ### Dustbuilder questions ### Q: I don't trust you with my email address. Can I use a fake or a temporary one? A: Don't use fake email, as you will not get your firmware. If you dont want to get many unsolicited spam emails from me, feel free to use a temporary one. If you prefer to stay anonymous, you can use also "anonymous" as the e-Mail address. This allows the generation without any email. However, the anonymous generation requires you to provide your public ssh key for technical reasons. Q: I want to be able to build firmwares myself. Are the tools available? A: Most of the tools are available. However, unencrypted firmware are not published by me. You can create copies of your firmware by making a backup of /dev/by-name/rootfs1 partition *before* rooting. Occasionally, I upload encrypted versions of the firmware to https://builder.dontvacuum.me/pkg/firmwares/dreame/. To decrypt them, you need the "pem" files out of /etc/ (before rooting). When building a firmware over dustbuilder, it will give you a script to reproduce the build. Still, you need to provide an unencrypted firmware. Otherwise the scripts are public. The dustbuilder uses the following repos: https://github.com/dgiese/dustbuilder-features https://github.com/dgiese/dustbuilder-script-public Q: How can I backup the firmware encryption keys? A: The encryption keys are stored in /etc. You should make backups of /etc/OTA_Key_pub.pem and /etc/publickey.pem Q: I have a t-online.de email address and do not receive emails. What can I do? A: T-Online seems not to like my servers. I get always the error "host mx02.t-online.de[] refused to talk to me: 554 IP= - A problem occurred. (Ask your postmaster for help or to contact tosa@rx.t-online.de to clarify.) If you have a T-Online.de email address, feel free to complain to that "tosa" email address for me. Otherwise use a different email address. Q: Will the backend code and configuration be available at some point? A: No. The code is highly customized to run on *my* environment and for my use-cases. While there is a number of people that have access to the environment and the code, I prefer not to make it public. If you do not like that, you are free to use the building tools, which are publically available and independant of the backend.